Postpone the problems until a later date
The super soul tip!
Angie Stone - Holding back the years
I'm currently working with "Vapourware of the year".
What is vapourware? You might be thinking...
Well it's software or hardware which is announced by a developer well in advance of release, but which then fails to emerge, either with or without a protracted development cycle.
The term implies unwarranted optimism, or sometimes even deception; that is, it implies that the announcer knows that product development is in too early a stage to support responsible statements about its completion date, feature set, or even feasibility.
But it's so funny!
Sooner or later, love is gonna get ya
Sooner or later, girl you got to give in... dhum dhum...
Angie Stone - Holding back the years
I'm currently working with "Vapourware of the year".
What is vapourware? You might be thinking...
Well it's software or hardware which is announced by a developer well in advance of release, but which then fails to emerge, either with or without a protracted development cycle.
The term implies unwarranted optimism, or sometimes even deception; that is, it implies that the announcer knows that product development is in too early a stage to support responsible statements about its completion date, feature set, or even feasibility.
But it's so funny!
Sooner or later, love is gonna get ya
Sooner or later, girl you got to give in... dhum dhum...
Kanske känner vi varandra, kanske inte. Jag ser iallafall inte vem det är på fotot.
Men, för att återkomma till det väsentliga, jag rensade igår.
Eller inatt, på mitt nattjobb.
Madde försvann.
Du läser min blogg alltså.
Jag blir rörd (jag trodde det bara var jag och de tre som vet om den).
Vem är du?
Då förstår jag.
Den reklamen är himla bra.
Har du sett att det står "Rågod tomatsoppa" bredvid han "sorry-Madde"-snubben på bordet?
Jag är också en helt vanlig människa som bloggar och jobbar och hoppas på plugg.
Vart i Sverige bor du?
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