tisdag, september 19, 2006

A little thought

One of those small things that makes life worth living. Discovered James Morrison today, and positive energy is streaming in my veins...

so, the super soul tip IS:

James Morrison - You Give Me Someting

The song project that eric and I've been working with this summer is about to finish. I think it's our best song, ever. Swinging, singing, heartbreaking and TRUE

certainly, many broken hearts can recognise therselfs and their feelings.

The final result will be presented here...


Blogger Jojobaolja said...

Hur har du det i etern?
Jag har nu fått igång min dator efter att ha tvingat killen på Onoff (som sålde den) att följa med mig och peka ut en nätverkskabel.
Allt är, med andra ord, som det ska.

ons sep. 20, 08:33:00 em  

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